Naša Zgodba / Our story
Butična restavracija v Ljubljani, odprta od srede do sobote od 18. ure dalje oziroma ostale dni po predhodni rezervaciji. Strežen meni se spreminja vsak teden, jedi so postrežene v konceptu “food sharinga”, tako da lahko vsakdo poskusi vse. Hrana je sezonska, sledi našemu kuharskemu slogu: "Comfort is the new fine.".
Vinska karta obsega 70-80 različnih etiket, ki pokrivajo slovenske in najbolj priznane svetovne vinske regije. Restavracijo vodijo 3 prijatelji, Vuk, Tom in Rok. Koncept restavracije predstavlja vse, kar imajo radi - hrano, vino in vse, kar spada zraven. Tom in Rok sta ustvarjalna sila, ki vodita kuhinjo, medtem ko Vuk predstavlja sprednjo stran restavracije in skrbi za izbor vin.
Boutique restaurant in Ljubljana, open from Wednesday to Saturday from 18:00, or upon request. Fixed menu changes every week and the dishes are served in a sharing concept so that everybody can try everything. Food is seasonal, following our cooking style: "Comfort is the new fine.".
The wine list ranges between 70-80 different labels, covering Slovenian and the most renowned World wine regions.
The restaurant is led by 3 friends, Vuk, Tom and Rok. The restaurant's concept showcases everything they love - food, wine and everything that comes with it.
Tom and Rok are the creative force running the kitchen, meanwhile, Vuk represents the front of the restaurant and manages wine selection.
Kontakt / CONTACT
Lokacija / LOCATION
Delovni čas / HOURS
Sreda / Wednesday – Sobota / Saturday
17:00 – 23:00
Ostale dni po predhodnem dogovoru.
Priporočamo rezervacijo. / Reservations preferred. .